
Artrage 3.5 studio review
Artrage 3.5 studio review

artrage 3.5 studio review

We were unable to find out on the day if these video modes mean you cover 100% of the sRGB and DCI-P3 colour spaces – for the amount Microsoft’s asking, you’d hope so – but I was told that each Surface Studio 2’s screen is individually calibrated before they hit shelves, the idea being you should be able to start using it straight away and not have to do any calibration yourself. DCI-P3, meanwhile, is geared more towards people working on video projects in Premiere Pro. The sRGB video mode is designed to cater for people working on digital art, whether that’s posters, graphic novels, or any other kind of digital art projects you’d put together in Artrage, Affinity Designer or Sketchable. Sketchable on the Surface Studio 2, with the Surface Dial held firmly in place. This was described as a ‘1.5mm pixel-to-eyeball gap’, which means if you were to put your face right up against the glass, there’d be just 1.5mm of distance between your peepers and the pixels.

artrage 3.5 studio review

Microsoft staff told us that the actual display had been ‘optically bonded’ to the glass cover, allowing for a super-thin air gap. You can even tilt it a little closer towards you, should you want to eliminate any glare from overhead office lights. I can confirm you can pull the Surface Studio 2’s screen all the way up so that its 90 degrees to the desk surface, or ‘standard monitor mode’ which you’ll want to do if you’re editing video, or just generally using it as a typical PC. I didn’t have my Helix Oxford Maths Set to hand, so I’m not able to verify that. Microsoft personnel at the event weren’t able to tell us how many degrees of an arc you can move the Surface Studio 2 through when it was pushed all the way back in ‘draughting board mode’, if you will, it looked (to my untrained eye) to be at an angle of around 30 degrees to the desktop. That 28-inch touchscreen display is attached to a metal hinge which lets you fold the screen forwards, so you can use it as a digital draughting board, or prop it up so that it’s perpendicular to your desktop’s surface.

Artrage 3.5 studio review Pc#

Like a lot of all-in-ones, the Surface Studio 2 resembles a typical PC monitor. Microsoft Surface Studio 2 design and features Measuring 12.5mm at the edges, the Surface Studio 2 is thinner than some laptops.

Artrage 3.5 studio review